2013 m. birželio 26 d., trečiadienis

Last Blog from Catalonia ;)

Bones amics, passada una setmana ja estem recuperats i treballant altre cop. La tornada a la normalitat s’ha fet  dura i per això no hem pogut acabar el blog abans. Però ara que hem acabat la primera part de l’intercanvi només ens queda dir que estem molt contents i orgullosos d’haver tingut aquesta oportunitat.
Volem agrair moltíssim al JDC per l’hospitalitat i el bon tracte rebut i en especial a l’Aiste, Egle i Jolita per les bones estones passades!
Esperem amb moltes ganes la vostra tornada al setembre i esperem que el nostre país us agradi tant com el vostre!
Aquí us posem les fotos dels nostres últims dies a Lituània!

Dear friends after one week we are already recovered and working again. The return to normalcy has been hard and so we could not finish the blog before. But now that we have finished the first part of the exchange we can only say that we are very happy and proud to have had this opportunity.
We thank the JDC so much for the hospitality and good treatment received and especially the Aiste, Egle and Jolita for good times past!
Looking forward to your return in September and we hope you enjoy our country as much as yours!
Here we post photos of our last days in Lithuania!


2013 m. birželio 14 d., penktadienis

10th and 11th Vilnius and more volunteering!



Moooooolt bones!! Ja tornem a estar aqui, una mica tristos perque estem veient com aixo ja s'acaba.... pero no us penseu que per aixo deixem de treballar, ahir i avui han estat dos dies a tope!



Hellooooooooo!!  We're back here  but a little sad because we are already seeing how it ends .... but do not think that's why we stopped working, yesterday and today were two days non-stop!

Some afternoon , somewhere in Panaevezys

Vilnius center

Our guide in Vilnius

All together in Vilnius


Break in Vilnius/ girls

Break in Vilnius/ boys

Animal Shelters in Panevezys

Real hard workers

Not real hard workers



2013 m. birželio 12 d., trečiadienis

9th day :)



Hola amics!

Avui ens ho hem passat molt be, pero ha estat un dia llarg i estem cansadets. Amb les fotos ja ho diem tot, man patinka Lituania!!!

La primera activitat ha estat anar a una escola d'educacio especial, els hi hem fet un taller de plantes de la nostra provincia. Els hi hem deixat olorar espigol, romani, farigola i salvia. Despres hem fet el taller estrella dels clauers! Han estat tant contents que ens han regalat una capsa plena de galetes uuuuuuhm!!!

Despres de tot aixo hem anat a veure un museu molt curios.... no sabem que ha passat pero de cop erem al segle XIX!

petonets i fins aviat!! :)))))))))



Hello friends!

Today we've had very good time, but it has been a long day and we are little bit tired. With the pictures you will see all already, man patinka Lithuania!

The first activity was to go to a special school, and we have done a workshop about aromatic herbs in our province. We left them smelling lavender, rosemary, thyme and sage. After we did the workshop of keychains!They are very good artists! They were so happy that they give us a box of cookies uuuuuuhm!

After all that we've been in a very curious museum .... we don't know what happened but suddenly we were in the nineteenth century!

kisses and see you soon! :)))))))))

2013 m. birželio 11 d., antradienis

8th day working + BBQ



Bona tarda ja tornem a ser aqui! 
Avui a estat un dia complert, hem fet de voluntaris aqui al centre, els hi hem ensenyat a fer el taller de les roses i tambe el dels clauers a aquells que no l'havien fet. Despres hem agafat el minibus i hem anat a un parc molt especial on hem vist...bufals!!! 
Pero abans de fer una visita pel parc ens hem menjat una bona barbacoa!

Quan hem tornar al centre ens han fet la presentacio de Lituania, es un pais molt bonic. Ens ha sorpres molt que la presidenta es una dona, pero el que mes ens ha agradat es el ball!! que be ens ho hem passat :))))

Petonets i labos nakties!



Good afternoon here we are again!

Today it was a full day, we have volunteering activities here at the YDCC, then we show them how to do the workshop of roses and also of those keychains that had been done for other students. Then we took the minibus and we went to a very special park where we saw.... buffalo!
But before we visited the park we ate a good barbecue!

When we returned to the center we have the presentation of Lithuania. It is a beautiful country. We were very surprised that the president is a woman, but what we liked the most was dancing! we had a very good time :))))

Kisses and labos nakties!