2013 m. birželio 10 d., pirmadienis

Weekend and 7th day



Bona tarda, ja tornem a ser aqui!

Com ha anat lo cap de setmana? aqui fent el turista, dissabte vam visitar el mercat de la pusa, un mercat on s'hi podia trobar de tot!  Despres d'una bona migdiada, que la trobavem a faltar, ens vam endinsar per un parc d'aqui Panevezys. Vam descobrir un lloc molt maco per poder-nos banyar al riu!

Diumenge amb les piles ben carregades vam fer un viatget cap a Anyksciai on ens vam enfilar fins dalt del campanar per guaitar tota la ciutat, molt bonica per cert. Despres vam anar a veure una pedra molt gran amb dos histories ben curioses "Puntukas". Despres de fer un petit picnic, vam anar a visitar un museu "Niuronys"on ens van ensenyar a fer pa! que bo!
A la tarda ens vam tirar per una montanya russa Lituana, (es a dir, no gaire alta) pero molt divertida. Per acabar el dia d'una manera ben rodona vam anar a demanar sort a "Laimes Ziburys" Aqui teniu les fotos!

Avui al mati hem tornat a la normalitat pero d'una manera ben entretinguda, avui tocava la nostra presentacio de Catalunya!!! els hi ha encantat: hem fet cagar el tio, hem vist el video de l'Enxaneta, hem escoltat i intentat ballar sardanes i he menjat un munt de coses nostres! 

Ens despedim fins dema, esperem que us agradin les fotos!!

Viso gero! bučiuoja!


4th Day Volunteering


Laba diena!

Today we began to work! from early morning waiting for us at the center to help them in their activities and learn new ones.
Early Lorenzo has helped the instructors to make physical activity a group attended. Meanwhile, Elena and Veronica have learned to cook toast bread in Lithuanian style! everyone wanted to try and they say it was delicious! Laba skanus!

The second activity we have done: we have teach how to make keychains in our Artis style, we believe that they are also very good artists!

Finally, the last activity im the morning Lorenzo helped cleaning YDCC and it has been impeccable! Meanwhile, Elena and Veronica have taught the group how to make stretching and some games with the parachute.

How fun!

Hey guys we have a problem, we have to leave the center and you can not upgrade until Monday!


Good afternoon, we're back!

How was the weekend? here like a tourists, on Saturday we visited the flea market, a market where you could find everything! After a "siesta",  we entered a park here Panevezys. We found a nice place for us to swim in the river!

Sunday with the batteries charged we did a trip to Anyksciai where we climbed to the top of the church throughout the city looked very nice indeed. Then we went to see a big stone with two strangest legends "Puntukas." After a little picnic, we went to visit a museum "Niuronys" where we were made bread! that good!
In the afternoon we go to a  Lithuanian mountain coaster (not too high) but very funny! :) To finish the day in a good round went to ask for luck "Laimes Ziburys" Here are the pictures!

This morning we are back to normal but in a very entertaining way. Today we did our presentation of Catalonia!: we show how to do "Caga Tio": our pooing trunk, we've seen the video of human towers (Castellers), we listened and tried to dance Sardana dance and have eaten a lot of our stuff! they loved it!

We say goodbye until tomorrow, hope you like the photos!

Viso Gero! bučiuoja!

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